What is Livingness?

Livingness is the vital quality that fills all things which truly live

Vitality is the essence of life, sought by all living beings. For humans and organizations, achieving it can be more complex than for simpler lifeforms. What hinders our vitality? The reflexes, rules, and rigid structures we adopt to navigate society. While some adapt effortlessly, others experience a profound loss. Over time, we drift from spontaneity and creativity towards conformity and routine.

Our nervous system, the hub of these adaptations, must be the focal point for change. By rekindling its receptivity to intense and vivid experiences, we can rediscover our innate instincts and desires. This awakening allows us to approach life’s challenges with renewed purpose and uncover our unique contributions to the world.

Embracing vitality benefits professionals seeking growth, athletes striving for peak performance, and individuals pursuing self-discovery and authenticity. Revitalize your life – reconnect with your essential, vibrant self!

“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite.”

– William Blake

What is Biofeedback?

Biofeedback is a modality utilizing a responsive signal from inside the body to help increase our ability to shape, transform, or control other physical or mental phenomena. Biofeedback techniques have been developed to address stress, insomnia, chronic pain, embodiment, and certain mental illness.

In the course of development, we experience the fact that we are constantly adjusting and adapting our organism to imposed demands. Over the course of life, with the variety and complexity of adaptive responses stacking one on top of another, we can arrive at a state of exhaustion and burnout. This is like the loss of elasticity that comes from stretching a t shirt over and over.

This is where my approach to biofeedback can be effective. It utilizes basic physiological laws governing our cardiopulmonary system to restore the capacity and elasticity of our system.

This hands-on, low tech approach can be a game changer to help kick-start your plans for stress reduction and personal improvement, and is an incredible tool for facilitating recovery. It is when our nervous systems are overloaded and at capacity, we are the least able to adapt and evolve to the present demands and goals we prioritize.